Ball Seed 2025 New Varieties

Konstance Kohlrabi

Boronda Lettuce

Cardinal Lettuce

Frillice Lettuce

Grackle Lettuce

Starstruck Lettuce

Verdagio Lettuce

KOHLRABI Konstance F 1 Stunning purple coloring that extends from root to stem to veins, and throughout a purple-green leaf. Flat, round, white flesh bulbs are nearly fiberless, crisp and sweet. Excellent uniformity and internal quality. High disease resistance to fusarium wilt and intermediate to bacterial spot.

Cardinal Strong, vigorous and widely adaptable. Shows great bolting tolerance in warmer growing periods and has the vigor to span into cooler periods. Strong disease resistance package will appeal to organic growing practices. High disease resistance to downy mildew, lettuce leaf aphid, lettuce die-back, and intermediate resistance to fusarium wilt 1. Frillice Unique, open loose-leaf crisp lettuce with nice green, shiny leaves and excellent sweet taste. Serrated curly leaves and very good tolerance to bolting and tip burn. Compact rounded plant. Can be grown in an open field and in all-season indoor production. High resistance to downy mildew and intermediate resistance to lettuce mosaic. Grackle Hearty-sized, short core, romaine variety with attractive shape and appearance. Heat tolerance in warm growing periods. Excellent fill. High resistance to downy mildew, fusarium wilt 1 and lettuce die-back. Starstruck Short core variety with wide petioles, pliable leaves and rectangular leaf shape. Exhibits excellent field holding ability. Good tolerance to tip burn.

Verdagio Green, glossy multi-leaf coral lettuce with thick, crisp, durable leaves and a sweet, pleasant flavor. Very high- yielding and very high leaf count of quality, usable leaves. High resistance to downy mildew, lettuce leaf aphid, lettuce die-back, and intermediate resistance to lettuce mosaic 1. NORTHERN (LONG DAY) ONION Blush F 1 Unique, attractive, pink variety with delicately colored flesh and brownish- pink, strong skins. Tight rings and pink throughout. Sweet and mild flavor. Easy to grow and well adapted. Long storage.


Hearting-type with strong disease resistance package. Appeals to both organic and conventional growing practices. Vigorous; performs well in cold growing periods. Ideal for mild Winter and Spring production. Excellent shape; good weight. High resistance to downy mildew, lettuce leaf aphid and lettuce die-back. Intermediate resistance to fusarium wilt 1.

Blush Onion


A mini green-stemmed pak choi with improved, darker green leaves, upright plant habit and higher yield than older varieties. Grows well in both Spring and Summer planting slots. Plants form a nice vase shape at a small size, offering harvest flexibility. Harvest as a baby for multi-head bunching, or allow plants to grow larger for standard three-head bunches. Bolt and rot tolerant.

Ewok Pak Choi



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