Ball Seed 2025 New Varieties

Bonsai Basil

Holy Basil


A compact, quick, uniform, fine-leaf Greek basil. Smaller leaves mean no chopping is required for use in recipes. It is also the first herb ad- dition to the Kitchen Minis™ line, diversifying the product assortment. Everleaf Lemon Upright variety has short internodes and delivers an abundant harvest from each plant. Performs well in-ground and in potted plant production. Bright lemon flavor is a great addition to dressings, marinades and salads. Holy An aromatic shrub with 1.5-in. (4-cm) long green leaves with purple stems. Known for its therapeutic power to fight effects of stress, promote balance, aid in digestion and provide immune system support. A common ingredient in Thai cuisine and in teas. Prospera Active Aya Small-medium, cupped leaves on uniform, semi-compact plants. Highly resistant to downy mildew. HERB ROSEMARY Rosy Pro Pale Blue Rosemary A strongly aromatic evergreen perennial with an upright growth plant habit. Use leaves fresh or dried. Very uniform in growth. Perennial in mild Winter climates or grow in containers for overwintering indoors.

Prospera Active Aya Basil

Rosy Pro Pale Blue Rosemary

KALE Sunbor F 1

Upright, very attractive purple color, with heavily ruffled, frilly leaves and stems. Color and flavor improve with cooler weather. Uniform and high yielding. Edible, ornamental garnish.

Everleaf Lemon Basil

Sunbor Kale



Order at • 800 879-BALL • fax 800 234-0370

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