Ball Seed 2025 New Varieties

Kilimanjaro Leucanthemum

Leucanthemum Make My Daisy Happy

Liatris Lavender Glowsticks

Leucanthemum Make My Daisy Crazy



Leucanthemum superbum

Mangave hybrid

Kilimanjaro Greenfuse World’s largest shasta flower with thick, durable flower petals. Aggressive

Art & Sol Series Walters Gardens

Series contains a wide mix of architectural forms and colors representative of the genus. These large succulent-esque hybrids are fast growing and offer excellent heat and drought tolerance. Zones: 7-11

habit for easy large container fill and daylength neutrality. Zone: 5

Make My Daisy™ Series Darwin Perennials ® Uniform Shasta Daisy delivers an impressive show without vernalization.

• Bad Hair Day • Catch a Wave • Lavender Lady • Night Owl • Thunderbird • Tooth Fairy • Solections Mix

Features a long bloom window with a continuous flush of new flowers throughout the season. Zones: 5-9 • Crazy • Happy

Mangave Art & Sol Tooth Fairy


Liatris pycnostacha

Lavender Glowsticks Walters Gardens

Durable prairie plant capable of thriving in tough clay soils and Summer heat. Exceptionally tall flower stalks with long bloom period. Robust mound of dark foliage skirts the plant base. Zones: 3-9

Mangave Art & Sol Lavender Lady

Mangave Art & Sol Thunderbird



Order at • 800 879-BALL • fax 800 234-0370

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