Ball Seed 2025 New Varieties

Tropica ™ Unico Fuchsia Mandevilla, Summerlong™ Lilac Agastache, & Summerlong™ Lemon Agastache


I have a good friend who was a consultant for several businesses early in her career. While discussing my family’s greenhouse operation, her advice to us was simple: “Create the plan, work the plan.” Easier said than done. Each year, we have an opportunity to adjust our crop schedules, space planning and product assortment. Market conditions change, new innovations become accessible, and new and improved varieties are introduced. In the greenhouse business, we have learned to look for continuous improvements, new ways to solve problems, and alternative paths to get the job done more efficiently.

This new variety catalog gives you a thorough listing of all the new genetics available to North American growers. Our team at Ball Seed ® wants to engage with you in planning for next season. What worked well? What ended up getting dumped? Is there space that can be better utilized? Room for another turn? As you plan for 2025, I encourage you to make a plan that will combine data with intuition, art with science, and creativity with the production plans you know will work to serve your customers, your teams, and your goals! CREATE THE PLAN, WORK THE PLAN!

JIM KENNEDY Director of North American Sales


Order at • 800 879-BALL • fax 800 234-0370

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