Ball Seed 2025 New Varieties

Birthday Bash Chocolate Cherry Begonia

Birthday Bash Cotton Candy Begonia

Birthday Bash Cream Puff Begonia

Space Age Series Proven Winners Interesting colorful foliage is sure to catch shoppers’ attention. Adaptable as a house plant. No deadheading needed. • Black Hole • Europa • Triton

Birthday Bash Series Syngenta

Sweet double flowers against dark chocolate foliage bring a vibrant burst of beauty. Graceful habit is ideal for hanging baskets. • Chocolate Cherry • Cotton Candy • Cream Puff • Raspberry Sherbert Dibs Series Greenfuse Boast high vigor and quick crop times compared to all other Begonia Rex lines. Proven garden performance. • Amber • Midnight Raising Cane Series Greenfuse First-ever compact cane begonia series. Free flowering. Indoor/ outdoor potential. URC production. • Rose • White Shine Bright Series Westhoff Flowers Unbeatable flower power thrives in hot, humid conditions.

BIDENS Blazing Flames Danziger Early, rich flowering continues into Summer.

Stellar Series Westhoff Flowers Features big, bright flowers on mounding plants. Easy to grow and outstanding garden performance from Spring to Fall; cold and drought tolerant. Perfect in combinations or for a sunny spot in the garden. Attracts pollinators. • Double Gold • Gold • Red BOUVARDIA Firecracker Jaldety Small, upright shrub boasting a profusion of brilliant trumpet-shaped red flowers from Spring to Fall.

Raising Cane Rose Begonia

• Dark Pink • Dark Red • Espresso Orange

Dibs Midnight Begonia

Dibs Amber Begonia



Order at • 800 879-BALL • fax 800 234-0370

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